One thing my husband and I agreed to when we got married was to make family vacations a priority. Even if we just drove a couple hours down the road for the weekend, we wanted to have a family trip every year. Things like vacations, time off and resting can get lost in the chaos of our every day lives. If you’ve been putting of those things, read below to learn the 5 Reasons to Prioritize a Family Vacation this Year.

1. Vacation improves your mental health.
Everyone looks forward to vacation, and it is obvious why. Taking time off to rest and do things you love is so sweet. It’s no wonder that studies have shown vacations improve our mental health. Just the act of planning a vacation gives your brain a boost. So prioritizing a family vacation could in fact reduce your stress and anxiety and therefore improve your overall mental health.

2. Vacations build core memories.
People have asked me why on earth we decided to take our baby/toddler to Disney World or Universal Studios. “She won’t remember it,” they said. She might not remember, but I will. My husband will. We have precious videos and pictures to remind us just how special those trips were to the three of us. Taking a vacation as a family can build stronger bonds and create core memories that will last a lifetime.

3. Vacations get you out of the house.
Okay this might seem obvious, but hear me out. I’m a homemaker and a stay-at-home mama, so most of the household chores and general life tasks fall to me. That arrangement works wonderfully for our family, but it doesn’t change the fact that doing the same household chores over and over again gets rather monotonous. When we take a trip, I am not longer fixated on my to-do list. I’m free to relax a bit and enjoy my family more. It’s lovely.

4. Vacations increase your productivity.
You might be thinking, “but I have so much to do. I can’t take a vacation right now.” Well, did you know that studies show an increase in productivity following vacation? Pushing yourself too much can actually be counterproductive. It’s harder to be creative and come up with new ideas when you are overwhelmed. Choosing to prioritize family vacation can help reset your imagination and make you much more productive when you return to work.

5. Vacations can show you new places.
Again, this point might seem obvious, but stick with me. When we vacation, we typically go somewhere we haven’t been or haven’t fully explored. When you try new things, see new sights and meet new people, your mind is opened up to just how big the world actually is. It’s easy to get stuck in autopilot and forget there is so much more out there. We are just a small part of this beautiful world God created.

Thank you for reading 5 Reasons to Prioritize a Family Vacation this Year. For more family travel tips and tricks, be sure to check out this additional content:
How to Create a Relaxing but Fun Family Vacation
The Best Items to Pack When Flying with a Toddler
The Truth About Flying Alone with a Toddler
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Safe Travels,