Everything You Need to Pack for a Reading Retreat

My sister and I went on a reading retreat a couple of weeks ago, and it was the most relaxing experience. We packed all the essentials, but there were a couple things I wished I’d added to my bag. Learn more about Everything You Need to Pack for a Reading Retreat below!

1. Books

The obvious first thing you need to pack for a reading retreat is books. I recommend packing a smattering of different options, because you never know what might strike your mood. I like to read physical books, but if you prefer a kindle or something like it, then don’t forget your charger!

2. Simple Food

In order to maximize your reading time, make sure you have plenty of simple foods handy. Things like popcorn, fruit, and trail mix are easy to snack on while you read. My sister and I also packed ingredients for soup to make on our second night at the Airbnb, and it was so much fun.

3. A Puzzle or Craft

One thing we didn’t bring with us was a puzzle or craft. We both traded off between physical books and listening to Audible. There was an antique store downtown at which my sister bought a small puzzle and it was a game changer. We could give our eyes a little break from staring at a page and listen to our books while keeping our hands busy. It might also be fun to bring a nothing craft like knitting or crochet if you like to listen to your books.

4. Headphones

Don’t forget to bring headphones if you are planning on utilizing an audio book. If you are traveling alone then it’s not so big of a deal, but if you plan to go for a walk or craft with friends then the headphones will come in handy.

5. Book Light

On our second night I was exhausted, but my sister was determined to finish the book she started. We slept in the same room, but there was no issue with me turning out the light because she had brought a small book light for just such an occasion. Genius.

6. Cozy Clothes

You can’t focus on your book if you are uncomfortable, so be sure to bring your coziest clothes. Things like sweats, slippers, thick socks or even a large blanket are ideal.

7. Self Care Supplies

One thing I loved about our long weekend was all the pampering. We packed things like face, lip, and hand masks to do while we read. Anything to make the weekend more relaxing.

Thank you for reading about Everything You Need to Pack for a Reading Retreat. I hope they will help you on your next family vacation. For more helpful tips, be sure to read the additional content below:

Why You Should Take a Reading Retreat This Year
The Best and Worst of SpaceCon San Antonio 2024
What to Do at Universal if You Hate Roller Coasters

If you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message on Instagram. Follow @gentryjourneys on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and don’t forget to subscribe below for new content every week!

Safe Travels,