How to Handle a Long Road Trip with a Toddler

During the summer of 2023 we look our two year old on a couple different road trips. It was quite a learning experience, but honestly went better than we had expected. Learn from our mistakes and read about How to Handle a Long Road Trip with a Toddler.

Daniel tiger stickers for kids

1. Prepare Them for the Trip

The best thing you can do to handle a long road trip with your toddler is to prepare them beforehand. Talk about what a road trip is, what will happen on the drive and what you will do when you get there. Talk about how you will take breaks and be in the car for a long time. Whatever you can do to set their expectations will help in the long run.

2. Spread Out the Activities

The second best thing you can do on a road trip with a toddler is to stretch out the activities. Try not to give them too many things too quickly. Encourage your toddler to look at things outside your window or sing songs or tell you stories. Leave the best things for last and get the most out of every single toy.

3. Bring New Activities

Speaking of things to do in the car, I recommend buying a couple of new items to take with you on your road trip. You could buy a new coloring book, toy, sticker book, etc. There are a lot of fun items that will keep your child entertained.

4. Pack a Variety of Snacks

Another thing that will keep your toddler entertained is a snack. You can never have too many snacks when traveling with kids. Pack a variety of things and make it fun! The more interested they are in their snack, the more time will pass.

How to Handle a Long Road Trip with a Toddler

5. Don’t Forget Books

Our daughter loves to read. She could look at a good book for up to 20 minutes at a time. Just one book! When we take road trips I pack a lot of little paper back books for her to look through. Sometimes we get to our destination without even making it through all the books. If your little one loves to read, I highly encourage you to pack lots of books.

6. Stop Ever 1.5-2 Hours

Another key tip for traveling with a toddler is frequent breaks. I don’t recommend going longer than 2 hours without a stop (unless they are a good car napper). Every 1.5-2 hours you should stop to stretch your legs and take a bathroom break. Let your little one get out some energy at a rest stop or a park. You could even take a longer lunch break at a small zoo. Just make sure to take those breaks.

7. Utilize the Tablet

The final tool in your arsenal should be something like a tablet. Save the movies or games for the very last leg of your journey, because by then you might feel a little desperate. Some road trips are better than others, just like some days at home are better than others. Give yourself and your toddler some grace… and don’t forget to charge that tablet for emergencies!

How to Handle a Long Road Trip with a Toddler

Thank you for reading How to Handle a Long Road Trip with a Toddler. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about travel content, check out these posts below:

My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler
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Safe Travels,