Can you enjoy a single park day at Universal Studios? Yes! On our two most recent trips to the parks, we only had enough time to enjoy a single day at Universal. We had to plan a little beforehand, but still had so much fun. Read about How to Handle One Day at Universal Orlando below!

1. Stay on Property
Staying on Universal Studios property gets you access to all sorts of perks from early entry, various transportation options and even express pass for rides. If you are only able to spend a day at the parks, I highly recommend you stay on property to maximize that time.
Pro tip: You can leave your bags at bell services in the hotel if you need to check out that day, but will be at the parks. The staff will hold your bags for you until you get back.
2. Utilize Early Park Entry
Speaking of hotel perks, the best one is early park entry. You get into the Universal parks an hour earlier if you stay at their hotels, and that’s a whole lot of park time! You could use that to ride one of the more popular rides or simply enjoy less crowds.
3. Choose Your Top 5 To-Dos
If you are only able to go to Universal for the day, you will not be able to see and do everything. It’s just not possible. However, you can do everything on your favorites list. I recommend choosing the top 5 things you would like to do while in the parks. Once you accomplish that list, anything else is a bonus!

4. Wear Comfy Shoes
Have a lot to accomplish in one day? Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes. We walk an average of 20,000 steps in a single park day, and even in good shoes my feet will ache.
5. Do You Need a Park Hopper?
Universal Studios is technically two parks: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. You can accomplish a lot in one day in one park, but if you have a ride or experience in the opposite park, you might need a park hopper ticket. Decide before you go what your preference will be.
6. Plan a Mid-Day Break
I know what you’re thinking… Chelsea, I only have a day in the parks! Why would I schedule a break and lose precious park time? The truth is, taking a nap in your hotel room at lunch time or even a long lunch in a park restaurant will help you in the second half of the day. Trust me, a break is a good thing.

Thank you for reading How to Handle One Day at Universal Orlando. I hope they will help you on your next family vacation. For more helpful tips, be sure to read the additional content below:
The 5 Best Foods at Mythos in Universal Orlando
What to Do at Universal if You Hate Roller Coasters
How to Entertain a Toddler at Universal Studios Orlando
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Safe Travels,