My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler

At the beginning of December we went to Disney as a family for a few days. Now, Disney with a toddler is no joke. It’s much easier to walk around with a baby strapped to you than chasing around an excited child. Below is my My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler. If you are looking to go with small children anytime soon, this post is for you.

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view in magic kingdom

1. Lower Your Expectations

First things first. When visiting Disney World with a toddler, it’s very important to lower your expectations. You will not get to see and do everything. Toddlers are little chaos tornados. They might have a meltdown or need a snack, a diaper change, or desire see a character you hadn’t planned on meeting. Keep your expectations low and everything else will be a bonus!

2. Bring Plenty of Snacks and Water

You can never have too many snacks or enough water when visiting Disney World. Sure, there are plenty of snacks in the park itself, but when a toddler is hungry they don’t want to wait in line or at a fancy dining table. I recommend packing lots of snacks for kids (and adults to be honest), so no one suffers from “hanger” at the happiest place on earth.

3. Plan Ahead of Time

The best thing I could have possibly done was plan ahead of time, and I mean months ahead of time. Dana with Somewhere Worthwhile has multiple guides and planning tools that made planning our Disney trip absolutely seamless. I cannot say enough good things about her, honestly. If you are someone who likes organization, you will love her guides, linked here. She also gives more immediate updates on her Instagram account. 

4. Bring a Stroller

You might think that bringing a stroller will be annoying when all your toddler wants to do is walk by themselves or run away from you. However, I promise you the stroller will come in handy. At some point (though it might seem impossible) your little one will tire. You will be exhausted from carrying them. You will need a place to store souvenirs. A stroller is always handy. 

Oh, and I recommend marking your stroller clearly, because it will be difficult to see in a sea of other strollers being parked in the same area. 

5. Pack an AirTag

One thing that makes it easier to find your stroller is an AirTag. I placed one inside the pocket of our backpack or in the stroller itself and was easily able to track our belongings on the app.

6. Make Time for the Parade

For some reason I thought, we don’t need to see the parades or cavalcades. They are probably the same every time and once you’ve seen one parade you’ve seen them all. Well, I was wrong. Disney parades and shows are incredible. Make time to find a good spot and enjoy the magic. 

small disney bag for kids

7. Take a Break Mid-Day

The best tip I received before going to Disney was to take a mid-day break. Everyone in your party will need it, trust me. Go back to your hotel and enjoy a nap and some AC. Also, if you are going to Disney for more than a couple days then I recommend doing something like a 2-1-2. Two days at the parks, one at the hotel, two at the parks. You will need that break day. Disney is exhausting. 

8. Choose at Least One Dining Reservation

We tried to have one or two dining reservations planned each day we were at Disney. It gives you a nice break to sit, enjoy time together and refresh before you join the crowds again. We especially loved eating at the Crystal Palace and meeting the Winnie the Pooh characters. Everything about it was 10/10.

meeting Mickey Mouse

9. Meet Characters

Speaking of the Winnie the Pooh Characters, some of My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler is to meet many characters. No matter who they are, meet them. Try and find short lines, and plan ahead for any characters your toddler loves most. But try and meet as many as you can. The look on their faces when they meet a princess or Sully or Mickey Mouse himself… it’s priceless. 

10. Watch Their Reactions

That brings me to my last tip, which is to watch your toddler. Watch their face light up during the parade or melt into pure love at the sight of Winnie the Pooh. Memorize their reactions, because the purity of a toddler at Disney is beyond words. They might forget their first trip to Disney, sure, but you won’t. You will never forget the wonder in their eyes or the joy in their smile. Never.

Bonus: Go to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas!!

Actually, I have one more tip. If you are planning to go to Disney around Christmas, I highly recommend taking your toddler to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas. The crowds are not nearly as overwhelming and possibly ride more rides. We absolutely loved the Christmas party!

My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler

Thank you for reading My Best Advice for Disney with a Toddler. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about travel content, check out these posts below:

Why You Should Eat at the Crystal Palace in Disney’s Magic Kingdom
Our Favorite Snacks at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Orlando
The Best Family Outfits for Your Disney Trip

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Safe Travels,