June of 2023 my sister and I decided to take a girls trip. We booked a long weekend at Disney World, and it was so much fun. While we were walking around the parks I realized why girls trips are so important. There was no one interrupting me as I spoke to my sister. We were able to share ideas and support one another without distractions. It was marvelous. Read more about Why You Need to Prioritize a Girls Trip below!

1. You Can Focus
I don’t know about y’all, but ever since I became a mother my attention is always divided. There’s always someone who needs something from me, and if someone isn’t asking for something then I am lost in my own thoughts. Taking a girls trip gives you time to fully focus and be present.
2. You Will Gain Confidence
There’s nothing like women supporting women. When you are on vacation with your best girl friends, it’s an opportunity to gain confidence. Compliment one another, take lots of selfies and love each other well. Build each other up! There’s enough people in the world tearing us down.
3. You Will Create Synergy
Spending time with other women creates synergy. Collaboration like this can lead to a boost in your creativity. Endorphins from that boost of creativity might lead to decreased anxiety. Girl time is the best.

4. You Can Support Others
Sometimes I find myself being very self-focused. Then I get together with a friend and they confide in me about their struggles and worries. It changes my perspective to think about others, to pray with them and support them in any way I can. Getting the opportunity to help others is a beautiful thing.
5. You Will Make Memories
Making memories with people you love.. that’s an incredible thing. Money and possessions don’t mean a hill of beans in comparison to memories. Don’t sacrifice quality time with your girlfriends because you needed to clean the house or check one more thing off the to-do list. There’s a time to be organized and a time to live. Take the girls trip, I promise you won’t regret it.

Thank you for reading Why You Need to Prioritize a Girls Trip. For more content, check these popular blog posts:
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Safe Travels,