What You Need in Your Universal Park Bag (Toddler Edition)

Going to Universal with a toddler is not only possible, but fun! Our daughter loves to wander around the Wizarding World, meet dinosaurs and minions and eat all the treats. Now, as much fun as going to the parks may be, it’s important to come prepared. Read below to discover What You Need in Your Universal Park Bag (Toddler Edition). 

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loungefly bag and wand

1. Extra Outfit

Always pack an extra outfit for your toddler, especially if they are potty training. You just never know if they might have an accident, get all messy eating a sweet treat, etc. 

2. Reusable Water Bottle

A reusable water bottle is handy, because it will save you money on drinks in the park. It’s also fun to get a water bottle that goes with something Universal (ie Harry Potter, Trolls, Minions…)

3. Snacks

You can never ever have too many snacks on hand when you have a toddler. It will save you money on park snacks and keep the “hanger” away.

4. Restaurant Bag

We pack a small reusable ziplock filled with a few activities. This bag comes in handy if we need to wait in a line or choose to sit and eat at a restaurant. You could even choose new and fun toys from somewhere like Dollar Tree, that way they will be entertained longer. 

healthy snacks for kids

5. Wipes

Wipes are necessary. You could even pack a pouch of sanitizing wipes, because parks are germy and toddlers are messy.

6. Charger Pack

It’s always good to have a charger pack on hand. Your phone will drain quicker in the parks than you’d think, especially if you are utilizing the Universal parks app. It is also helpful to have a portable charger if your little needs to watch something on your phone at dinner or in a long line.

7. Park Pass, ID & Credit Card

Don’t forget your Park pass, ID, credit cards and also any arcade/game cards you may have. I choose not to pack my entire wallet, but keep the cards separate and easily accessible.

8. Wand

Another item in my list of What You Need in Your Universal Park Bag (Toddler Edition) is your wand. If you have an interactive wand for the Wizarding World, it is devastating when you accidentally leave it behind. I keep mine tucked into the bag, but you could also buy a holster/carrier if you feel it would keep the wand more safe.

power pass for universal with Harry Potter lougefly

9. Sunscreen

Set a timer on your phone and remember to re-apply sunscreen often. It is Florida. Even if it isn’t scorching outside, remember sunscreen.

10. A Cute Bag!

Okay, this isn’t a necessity, but…. isn’t it though? Having a themed bag always puts me in the Universal Studios mood. My current favorite is the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes bag by Loungefly.

Did I forget anything? Be sure to let me know what you pack through email or an Instagram message. Happy Travels!

What You Need in Your Universal Park Bag (Toddler Edition)

Thank you for reading the What You Need in Your Universal Park Bag (Toddler Edition). I hope they will help you on your next vacation. For more Universal travel content, please see the blog posts below:

How to Entertain a Toddler at Universal Studios Orlando
The Best Items to Pack When Flying with a Toddler
The Best Foods at Universal Studios Orlando

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Safe Travels,